Public Hearings

May 23, 2024 - California Air Resources Board Hearing

Thank you to supporters who attended or called in to the May 23 California Air Resources Board (CARB) hearing.

Speakers made a compelling case that until truck manufacturers start building electric trucks that meet the performance and safety standards required of towing and recovery trucks, their trucks should be afforded the same exemptions as government-owned tow trucks.

Several CARB members expressed concerns that our industry is unable to continue to get sufficient diesel chassis in California in the meantime and the economic impact this is having on small businesses and their employees and what the lack of towing and recovery trucks would mean to safety on the roadways.

After the industry testimony, several CARB Board members indicated that they were not prepared to vote for the regulation (since it didn’t provide relief for the towing industry) until more work was done. The consensus of the Board was to ask CARB staff to review the issue further and bring the item back for consideration at a future meeting. This was a very positive outcome for the industry.

CARB staff approached the towing industry members after the hearing and indicated they wanted to meet to further discuss the Miller Industries’ proposals that would provide the necessary relief to the industry.

This is a very positive step, but continued action by the industry is going to be necessary to sustain this effort. That is why small business owners and their employees must respond to our Calls to Action.

Your voice can be heard by sending CARB and elected officials an email. We make it quick and easy for you. If you haven’t done so, please visit the website’s Take Action page and message your elected officials. It takes less than two minutes.

Thank you again to those who took the time to speak before CARB. Your support made a difference!

Public Comments

5.13.24 Miller Industries
Miller Industries submitted public comments requesting that all towing/recovery trucks be exempted from the regulations by being deemed emergency vehicles like government-owned tow/recovery trucks. 

5.13.24 California Tow Truck Association/Emergency Road Service Coalition of America


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